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I sweep in...

Currently studying for an MFA in Computer Special Effects Animation in Florida..
Soon, I won't merely play the games.. but MAKE them as well!

And sweep out, leaving all confused as to when I might rise again!
congrats, magoo. glad to see you are doing well.
have any other roommates off'ed themselves?
was Lord Magus from FF?
Keyser Soze Wrote:have any other roommates off'ed themselves?

Your style really has hit rockbottom in predictibility.
Gooch Wrote:
Keyser Soze Wrote:have any other roommates off'ed themselves?

Your style really has hit rockbottom in predictibility.

yeah keyser, what the fuck.

congrats magus, so you still a virgin or is it a choice now like in 40 year old virgin?
style? i was genuinely interested.
much better!!!!
Like a bag of sand?
fuck, I missed Magoo!
