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hey strokey, I said this idea, I stand by the olympics as being a brilliant idea. I already stated several times I wasn't a fan of this idea, i'm just happy someone else stated my feelings instead of just "this sucks".
revisionist history at its best
Hedcold better hurry up with that hack.
i'm gonna delete him I swear it
You'll have to go through me first, buddy!
i'll give you a bag of gummy bears
Oh boy!!

Gimme! Gimme!
with carrots!
Danked Wrote:<span>I just think we need to be realistic. There are thousands of forums for most of those subjects already, all probably struggling to find members themselves and where else would we go to find members but those very forums. We could be waiting for weeks only to blow our wad on the first sucker out of frustration and it will be the equivalent of a lame april fools joke. I think we're better than that.

Quote:I think the majority of people here don't have any desire to ever grow beyond the 12 asshole limit.
We should be able to do that by virtue of our existing content and character. If we want to draw new members in, then we need to float our board address around (which is what you would have to do anyway with this idea) and focus on our existing forums and topics. I printed out stickers and did what I could in Amsterdam and </span>I link to this board from my myspace page <span>and my somethingawful account.

I know with this pseudo-board concept that I can't maintain the facade and pretend to be something I'm not. I'm here to have fun and the idea doesn't seem to be particularly fun. I forsee very little yield for membership from this.</span>

For those of you who want to do the same, I wrote the following that will add a box just above your friends that includes a link to the site, with our old banner.

To add this to your myspace account, go into edit profile, go into the edit portion of the "People I'd Like To Meet" section, and post the following code AFTER the part about the people you actually want to meet:

<table bordercolor="000000" cellspacing="3" cellpadding="3" width="435" align="center" bgcolor="ffffff" border="0">
<table width="100%" height="100%">
<td><span class="orangetext15">Forums That I am a Member Of:</span><br>(Click the banner to go to the site)<br><br><center><span class="orangetext15">Cold Day In Hell</span><br>An Off Topic, Politically Incorrect, Free For All<br><a href=""><img src="" height="65" Width="352"></a></center><br>
thats alot of jazz just to link to a site.

but it works. i just did it.
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