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Very disappointing. Abrams directed & apparently lent writing skills to 3 other writers but I have no idea why. The story isnt complex and if you've seen any of these types of movies the 'inside guy' is given away WAY early in the movie.

PSH was great but under-used IMO. Everyone else was primarilly filler with little or small roles, not really adding anything different or unexpected.

Now I know why it did so awful after it's opening (which wasnt all that stellar either). A definite download/wait for HBO movie.
I barely remember the 1st movie, I didnt even bother with the 2nd.
the second one was awful, it was all about John Woo's direction & nothing about a good story.

This one had the potential to top both but really fell short. It started out strong but kinda got really predictable afterwards.
i liked it..but yes, predictable. MI2 is one of the worst movies ever. MI wasn't bad. I appreciated this one.
John Woo, I bet there was lots of slow motion and white birds.
slo-mo, yes but i cant recall white birds. probably.
Some john woo movies are ok but the slo-mo fuckin annoys me, it's cool sometimes, yes but not every fuckin scene.

Most awful overuse was in one of his first american films, 'Hard Target' with Van Damme. The movie itself had a lot of promise and had two of what in my opiniions were some of the best movie villians ever. But naturally the slo mo was fuckin every 2 seconds, Van Damme gets off his stool in slo-mo and I just couldnt take it after that.... plus Van Damme himself just sucks.
Timecop was pretty good.
Timecop was a good movie but I haven't been a Van Damme fan, I did enjoy bloodsport tho.
is that the kickboxing movie?
no, that was kick boxer.
makes sense.
blood sport was the movie about Frank Dux.
I dont recall the name - hey you need to add some new reviews on dvdspot btw. They havent changed in months!
as many people care about that as the podcast.

600 is coming up sucka!!!
I care, that's all that matters.
Wanna bet Xmen is a disappointment and Return of Superman rocks the house?
how many twinkies?
Goatweed Wrote:slo-mo, yes but i cant recall white birds. probably.

right before tom cruise busts in on the bad guys in the tunnel like area white doves fly around. i believe it may have been in slo-mo.

i'm waiting for hbo for to watch mi3, or a good boot. i hate tom cruise more than you can imagine & i will never pay for another one of his movies.
ahh the white doves and slo-mo, it's a john woo film.
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