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Quote:Scientists Create World's Smallest Brush

HONOLULU - University of Hawaii nanotechnology experts have invented the world's smallest brush — a device boasting bristles a thousand times finer than a strand of human hair.

Mehrdad Ghasemi-Nejhad, a professor of mechanical engineering at the university, said the brush may be used to sweep nano dust, paint small micro-tubes and clean pollutants in water.

Nanotechnology involves the manufacture and manipulation of materials at the molecular or atomic level. At that scale, materials are measured in nanometers or billionths of a meter.

Ghasemi-Nejhad said the nanotechnology field could allow for the building of ever smaller chips that would reduce the size and weight of computers while increasing their speed and memory.

Nanotechnology may also allow for low-cost, better-performing fuel cells that use hydrogen as clean fuel, he said.

The tiny brush invention has earned the research team, which involves experts from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, N.Y., a spot in the 2007 Guinness Book of World Records.

"We need to look at the needs in the nano-world, where machines and materials can be the size of atoms and molecules," said UH doctoral student Vinod P. Veedu. "As in the 'bigger' world, there are messes to sweep, walls to paint, tubes to unclog and electronics to power. So our invention ... demonstrates a way to make the tiniest of brushes to do these jobs."

Ghasemi-Nejhad founded the Hawaii Nanotechnology Laboratory in his UH department three years ago in part to train workers for a growing industry.

End the genocide in Darfur, stop the Iran worries and forget the price of oil.... look at the tiny brush.. or actually look at the tiny brush that's so tiny YOU CAN'T EVEN SEE IT!!!
that would be great for getting inbetween teeth - no more need for floss!
they need to stop smokin' the Maui Wowie over there in Hawaii..
don't sweat the small stuff
like ethnic cleansing.
global warming is just the earths way of creating more lush beautiful greenland.
Having arabs guard the ports was just a way of... ok that was just dumb.
who needs health care, really?
Do gays really wanna be treated as actual humans?
Wiretapping isnt really that bad, its not like an overzealous congressman ever went after American citizens over hearsay or rumor before.
So there were no weapons of mass destruction, not like we used that as a reason for invading Iraq.
Great Googly-Moogly!!!

...This brings an entireally mind blowing element to MS Paint.
if jays only had this scientific development back on
this is perfect for my tiny guestroom ive been meaning to throw a fresh set on.
nanotechnology is the cutting edge of science, and will probably help to cure most diseases as well as improve our computing and industrial capabilities. But, fuck all that, let's shit on it all because africans are still killing themselves and the rest of the world is shit.
ipod nanos are so tiny!!!
these new brushes are designed to help you clean and stimulate your penis.
I'm sure you can find other means inwhich to please your penis...
The Jays Wrote:nanotechnology is the cutting edge of science, and will probably help to cure most diseases as well as improve our computing and industrial capabilities. But, fuck all that, let's shit on it all because africans are still killing themselves and the rest of the world is shit.

most diseases, so this tiny brush will cure cancer, aids, and the common cold. I stand corrected.
brush away that organ decay!
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