Full Version: Mod for this little shit hole
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Didn't expect that one. I don't even have a vagina.
Yea, Maynard, I'm unpredictable like that.

damn, I think I jumped the shark with Maynard.
I hope the real stoners forgive me for that one. I feel very badly right now.
Quote:damn, I think I jumped the shark with Maynard.
:pissed: :pissed: :pissed: :pissed: :pissed:

I just thank God we don't have a Fast Freddy over here.
I'm voting for ladi. She has the short bus mentality. She can be the first SHORT TRAILER driver LOL.
Wow....too many outstanding choices...what to do...what to do :taking rotted fish out and holding it: heads Snuk and tails Ladi :flipping fish: yep, that's what I figured
i hope snuka wins
i luv my queeny {Big Grin}
[/quote]i hope snuka wins [quote]
He's really behind, you think he can pull it off? :poopain:
You had my vote Ladi,
I don't think they should put the biggest lunatic in charge of the asylum.
Snukka does this mean if you win you will hand the reigns over to Ladi?
does what mean that?
Hey can I suck up and try to get a cabinet post?
the only sucking youll be doing is of snuka's balls when he becomes mod and rapes the living shit out of us. i, for one, cant wait
If Ladi, can only manage a 100% increase in her votes, she can get right back in this thing.
I would much rather kiss her ass.
campaign for me Ken, you have a lot of pull, right? :poke:
:hail: my minions are everywhere.
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