Full Version: Great new changes.. but :/
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maymay is till registered, so regardless of the changes the board still sucks!
This is a button<center>
[Image: button.jpg]</center>
This is a spoon
<center>[Image: spoon.jpg]</center>
I am the queen of France
I'm gonna try making them easier to read. Is the font hard to read or is it the color combination that is making it difficult?
It's the cramped orange letters on the blue that are hard to make out in my opinion. You should probably just make them blue type on orange like the rest of them.
How about bigger buttons? Does that help at all?
how big we talkin?
um, so, ok, i'm completely insane. on eric's computer there's a whole new site. but i got pissy and did the un plug/plug back in the router (it's not a hub) and i'm back on my computer and everything is still the same old black and white/brown thing. what the fucking fuck???? i need help, anyone, please? seriously, i think there's something very wrong with me. i mean, other than all the things that are obviously wrong with me. i'm going so far as to offer dinner and free parts of a computer (including a pretty much new geforce graphics card) to anyone who can restore my sanity, thank you and goodnight
What am I doing wrong? I'm getting up just when CRX is going to bed? Oh and still an impressive looking site. Ahlexus if you need to turn on the fish eye to see the buttons better sweetie, just let me know. :fucking:
i can read
OAS, you're always so helpful... :loveya:
Quote:OAS, you're always so helpful...
We all have our crosses to bare. Rolleyes
Pages: 1 2