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So Hillary was pissed off that Ann Coulter made some comments in a book about the widows of some people who died during 911. She said "I've never seen people enjoying their husbands' deaths so much." But what Hillary doesn't know that in the other section of the book that I got, the one where you can see picture after picture of her fucking cunt and tits she said those widows probably liked it when their husbands used to put their cocks in and out of my fucking dripping pussy over and over and over and again and again and again. That's what I heard.
They're both useless holes. Too much yapping and not enough cocksucking.
id love to hate fuck ann coulter
what is she on your scale?
Shave her head and she's a minus two.
hate fuck is off the table for a bald coulter
So this one cunt says to the other cunt...
i bet she has a nice big 70's porn bush. NICE
These "ladies" give wimmen a bad name.
no, you do that.