Full Version: i saw a high speed chase yesterday
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yep. on broad street right near temple university. some dude in a grey grand prix went flying by followed by 2-3 cops. about 100 feet down the road there was a red light and he swerved and smashed into another car and tried to keep going but his front passenger side wheel totally ripped off from the crash. we stood there and watched the cops arrest him. it was sweet.
did they beat him down?
and the reason why he swerved was because he couldnt believe he just saw the former legend known as RVD.
Love when these assholes try to run from the radio.

If you're not on a rice rocket, you ain't getting away.
Goatweed Wrote:did they beat him down?

they cuffed him and slammed him into the car.
was the driver one of Galt's new friends?
Goatweed Wrote:was the driver one of Galt's new friends?

i dont know what that means. he was a negro though.
then that's a 'yes' - thx