Full Version: It's official: I'm a racist
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all the cool peeps have them, gotti boyz and freestylers
its a douchebag earring
nothing pisses me off more then going to this bar near my job and having families walk into the eating area with there fucking kids i am in a bar it's bad enough that i have to go outside to smoke but now i have to not talk about what i want to talk about. fuck that
if you're eating near a bar you should be prepared to deal with whatever motherfuckers and cocksuckers fly your way. if you dont like it, go sit in the fucking dining room.
Yeah, fuck those motherfucking cuntsuckers.
if aliens landed on earth and wanted to know what a nigger was.. i would point them to this thread.

“oooh, shit” and “yeah, nigga” were consistently squealed as they looked derisively as the cracker amongst the gorillas in the midst.

GonzoStyle Wrote:That is exactly what I meant, I love the fact that they just have zero shame and will do whatever makes them happy at that moment.

Though you and I both know that if you were in that store and were staring at a sleeping baby, you wouldn't start freestyling.

Well yeah. I can't freestyle.

But if I was on my phone or walked in with someone having a conversation with that person, Im not gonna lower tone of voice cause someones kid is sleeping in an area of business.
i used to think niggers were cool cause they dont care, now i just think they're really pathetic.
I think Laz should talk to them about how we feel and make them better people at their next meeting.
i knew it all along
Keyser Soze Wrote:i used to think niggers were cool cause they dont care, now i just think they're really pathetic.

so sayeth the foot
IrishAlkey Wrote:I think Laz should talk to them about how we feel and make them better people at their next meeting.

no we have to have a discussion on how to get rid of Galt. we will be sending a Representative out to homes to talk to anyone who read this thread. we also must punish those that allowed him to observe them unharmed.
i'd still rather have a bunch of annoying niggers to deal with than a bunch of suicidal al quedaics!
big word alert!
your ignorance to brilliance is deplorable
Arpi Jr.
never associate me with that division III poster again.
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