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could you send me $15? i wanna get some McD's.
Play oblivion 4. Amazing
play with your cock instead, its free and more fun.
i figured you for an Autobot

That's what they need, a good transformer rpg. That would keep me busy for months
GonzoStyle Wrote:play with your cock instead, its free and more fun.

or i could just catalog my DVD collection online.
or keep a blog of news thats available on 5 billion other sites
or a messageboard
or come over and inject my ball juice into your veins
why would someone want to do that?
GonzoStyle Wrote:or keep a blog of news thats available on 5 billion other sites

gathering niche news into one place or providing people with a list of my dvd collection.

tough choice on which one is more useful and relevant to people.
Keyser Soze Wrote:
GonzoStyle Wrote:or keep a blog of news thats available on 5 billion other sites

gathering niche news into one place or providing people with a list of my dvd collection.

tough choice on which one is more useful and relevant to people.

2 differences there foot.

first off mine takes up 10 minutes a month if that to update

and secondly, I dont do it for other people.
then why do you link it in your signature?
for me, since I'm probably the only one who checks it.
Quote:I dont do it for other people.

nice reading comprehension there, goatboy.
i've had sigs turned off for over a year now, I dont even know what my sig is anymore. Barring that, just because I link it, doesn't mean I do it for other people. I do it so i dont end up buying duplicate dvds, like I did several times. As well as so my friends and family don't buy me shit I already have.
you just changed your sig pic a few weeks ago
go do a podcast or something
i haven't posted for months!
I miss the podcasts.
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