Full Version: bologna
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bologna is pretty gross. but then again i don't eat much of anything.
you're dead to me
drusilla Wrote:bologna is pretty gross. but then again i don't eat much of anything.

a camel has one hump on its back, so you can go months without eating I bet.
release the bats Wrote:you're dead to me

but but we bonded over philly! i'm crushed!
never on a sandwich, only as a roll up.
what does that even mean?
you dont eat cold cut roll ups? you just roll up the deli meat and eat it, sans sandwich.

i like bologna that way, not really fond of it on a sandwich.
Are you retarded?
you're retarded for having to ask.
what the fuck? so it's ok to eat rolled up, but when bread is included it's no good? death to you!
bologna sucks.

yes, a fat guy just said this
what kind of fat guy doesnt like bologna? you must be suicidal! death to you!
bologna is bologna.

i shouldn't even be talking about it cause i dont even eat it....or any "lunch" meat what so ever.
are you too good for lunch?

only when it comes to bologna.
i guess you welcome death then.
is it ok if the bologna is fried with some spicy mustard on it?
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