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probably during the rape trial
someone better start frequenting the "homeyzz and home gurlzzz" rooms on pal talk, goats showing off the salseech over there.
you'll never get cock pics, sorry.
gonzo, youre bouncing boobies pic is hypnotic.
what is that girl 15? 16 tops?
i had a grace to fall from?
more like a high-horse
maybe not grace, but certainly dignity
faceman802 Wrote:gonzo, youre bouncing boobies pic is hypnotic.
what is that girl 15? 16 tops?

who cares, look at them titties bounce!
do I have to worry about seeing you on a Dateline special?
only if i'm giving the obligatory "he seemed like a normal guy" interview, after they nab you for a string of rapes.
you're gonna give me a complex, you know that right?
most of you sociopaths have a complex, like "I need to stick my cock in a niggers ass, ASAP!"
I wouldn't know.
faceman802 Wrote:maybe not grace, but certainly dignity

Facey's not back for more than a couple of days and gets off a doozy.

Hi Facey.
Buttmunch Wrote:
faceman802 Wrote:maybe not grace, but certainly dignity

Facey's not back for more than a couple of days and gets off a doozy.

Hi Facey.

Hi BM, how's it going??? and don't worry, it's all dowhill from here.
My question is what Dignity? The only falling he did was thinking that a girl, internet or not, would be interested in seeing his hammer in one hand and his trap-door thermal underwear in the other.
BirdyP Wrote:My question is what Dignity? The only falling he did was thinking that a girl, internet or not, would be interested in seeing his hammer in one hand and his trap-door thermal underwear in the other.

So are you saying he had no dignity to begin with or that he lost it as soon as his ill-fated plan came into his head??
forever ever?
Foreva, foreva,eva, foreva, eva......

Name that tune
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