Full Version: Heath Ledger as Joker...what do we think?
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I do not know you, but damn that was the funniest story eva, foreva, eva, foreva, eva
I told you it wasn't funny
after you told us it was funny, fence sitter... just like the old days, ey!
it's great to see ya facey.
there are how many batman villains to choose from? why re-do one that was already played amazingly.
'why' sums up my feelings on this whole new batman thing
Charles Manson Wrote:'why' sums up my feelings on this whole new batman thing

did you really want the last batman movie ever to star george clooney and chris o'donnell?? that's why
Oh come on dude! Have you ever seen someone more badass than Chris O'Donnell as Robin do laundry before? See him wring that towel out with his toes?! See him fling it around like they was numchucks? He's a bad motherfucker! And Alfred was watchijng him and all impressed and shit! What a flick! What a man's man flick!
release the bats Wrote:there are how many batman villains to choose from? why re-do one that was already played amazingly.

Good point. But you know the comic geek being one of them....are gonna wanna see the classic ones on screen with the new movie. Plus if theyre redoing the whole movie franchise theyre gonna have to. Shumacher really did ruin it.
don't you wanna see kilmer's bum bum in that batman suit again?
bat nipples are sexy
if you're gay, sure.
so you musta loved them.
no, I'm not gay despite your allusions to it.
Wait, wait. You are NOT gay. Since when? I was told by reliable sources....Gonzo beign one, that you are.
BirdyP Wrote:Wait, wait. You are NOT gay. Since when? I was told by reliable sources....Gonzo beign one, that you are.

See that's where you went wrong. gonzo is not a reliable source. I mean come on, would a reliable source fuck I mean, he's the most trusted source of information on this board, take whatever he says as truth Big Grin

p.s. i love you gonzo
I know he is. So I do.
faceman802 Wrote:I mean come on, would a reliable source fuck I mean, he's the most trusted source of information on this board, take whatever he says as truth Big Grin

what does me fucking grk have to do with being reliable, if I had fucked grk that would make me as reliable as the fuckin sun rising every morning.
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