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Pages: 1 2
have you seen the size of his cock?
sadly, yes.
it's one of the wonders of the world, you have to see it just once, its not even a sexual thing, just you have to stand in it's shadow and be awed.
no offense, but I would have preferred not seeing it.
hey I woulda preferred being born with a larger cock but what can you do.
i didn't know the original actor that played superman was murdered much less that it was some big mystery, more like a secret
crap1 you have to register to view that
sign up, its free & in this case it's worth it.
Oh he's such a charmer! I'd love it if that chick's boyfriend fedorinski tracks and curb stomps him.
diceisgod Wrote:i didn't know the original actor that played superman was murdered much less that it was some big mystery, more like a secret

he commited suicide, the murder angle is just a conspiracy theory.
you're just looking for a movie date so you don't look silly buying 11 bags of twizzlers, right?
LOL u got me!!!
God takes Steve Irwin .. and leaves you?
and you still believe that god 'takes' people, cause god had nothing better to do that day.
God doesn't do that shit himself.
He has man servants do it for him.
Like that little guy in the bow tie that's always dancing behind Puffy.
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