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thanks for reading all 17K of my posts to come up with that accurate assesment.

got anything else chuckles?
oh man, he owned your ass!!!

i did a micro sample of the "hey goat" and "forrest gump" threads. i think that's all the ham you have in your sandwhich.
you already said I offered up nothing of interest, isnt comparing my posts to nonexistent ones from Gump saying the same thing?

get a new gag, surely with all that modding experience under your belt you can do better!
ooh fuck, he busted the mod shit on you.

goat - 2
hoon - 0
I'll save my .net zingers for the finish. noone ever gets up from those - NOONE!!
It's like watching a prime Tyson, knock that nigga out son, knock em out!
all that training I did is finally payin' off.
it must be the bowflex and gettin yo sex stroke on.
I need to get back on that bowflex.
I think you need some wd-40 for that bitch by now.
nah, it's fine - it hasn't been that long.
you should get on that and get ripped, then next year you and me can tag up against hoon and keyser in a sexy match.
bring it bitches
It's on!!
Hoon is crafting a "Doors Board gets more traffic" zinger to put Goat in his place,
I can feel it.
It's like waching George Foreman here. Everybody thinks he's too old to compete, what the hell is he doing out there and then all of a sudden, bam, knockout after knockout. It does the heart good man

Oh and I agree with ken, unless he's trying to bust out a "goat's wife is ugly and that proves that he's a loser" post
I guess I didn't realize I was messing with the Big Van Vader of message board altercations!
could you make a wrestling joke that's funny next time?

You are the Jose Luis Rivera of Message boards,
Taking a paycheck and a beating every week.

something like that.
I don't have to be funny. I'm a mod now.

i'm more of a bridge builder.
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