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Quote:have an outlaw wedding. tell everybody to meet at some spot you like, ie; a museum, penn station, somewhere near a restaurant. get married there, and then walk to the retaurant for the reception.
How funny would that be! I'd be good for people to tell at parties atleast.

Another friend of mine & his Mom, Twisted to the Teenage Wedding song in Pulp Fiction. The whole song, didn't stop and do a regular dance, that was it. It rocked.
which would be the bride, the freak or the midget?
Quote:I want to get married May 03 or sometime soon after that.
Hmmmm.....shotgun wedding?
the bathroom wedding.

will you spit wipe your husbands solid and liquid fecal matter...until wet wipes do you part?


no, snuks, but I may sing the vows...if I can get over some stage fright

Edited By Spitfire on April 10 2002 at 4:52
Hey Spit,

Check out central park, or any other local park that you can find a nice area for an outdoor wedding.
or you could check out the new york botanical garden ( <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --> < has pics ), my cousin wants to get married there, it would be a really nice outdoor place.
I cant think of anything else, but others had good ideas too.
The beach sounds awesome, but those damn liquor licenses screw everything up.

Edited By SexxyNette on April 10 2002 at 5:02
I can't believe there are no beaches in NJ that offer alcohol permits. Couldn't you get married on the beach and then have a clambake in your yard or a friend's yard? I doubt you'd get away with a bonfire.
Spit, back out now while there's still time! :hail: :hail: :hail: :hail:
Spit...Mine was outside, it was cool, except the moms took over...
So what if you can't have a bonfire in the yard...set up a coupla pits, and keep the fires to a low roar and noone will say shit...
Have a clambake/pigroast It's not the most expensive and it's a ton of fun.
Quote:I can't believe there are no beaches in NJ that offer alcohol permits.
if you can find one, please let me know...

How about Niagara Falls to elope? Then a big beach bonfire bash when we get back? Maybe get a local band to play...that would be perfect...just need to plan UGH!

Has anyone seen one of those damn wedding checklists? All the shit you're supposed to do? Too much work.....and money...when all I want to do is wear a pretty dress and get drunk Confusedmokey:

oh well, I kinda have plenty of time...thanks for all your help...keep it comin Big Grin
<font color=white>

Edited By Spitfire on April 10 2002 at 5:07
Someone I know has Wedding Software. It prints schedules and lists, and all kinds of things.
you promised you wouldnt tell ladi
Well Spit, I went the same kind of route too. I'm not religious, and although her family is VERY religious, it wasn't that big of a deal for her, so we got married by a judge in his office. Then we had a big party at a park for all of our friends. Volleyball, softball, water fight, drinking, eating, fun fun fun! Everyone had a blast. It's a much more relaxed environment than making everyone go to some dinner in suits and shit.

My friend also did something very similar to me. They rented a Chateu in Vermont to get married. Then when they got back from their honeymoon, they had a big picnic for everyone and got Dash Rip Rock to play at the party. HeeHeeHee.
Let's go smoke some pot, yeah baby, let's go smoke some pot hehe!! Confusedmokey:
that would have been a sight!

I was thinking more along the lines of Halfway to Gone :fuggin:
Spit, seeing you're going to ignore my please to back out, Vegas or Niagra Falls both rock and would be a great memory for you. Vegas is cheesy, but think of the memory of either being married by an Elvis impersonator or going through the drive up chappel and getting married through a drive up window. Just think of the happy meal you are ordering! :fucking: I am going to be invited right?:bouncer: :bouncer: :bouncer:

Edited By OAS on April 10 2002 at 5:18
If you had the money, you COULD hire all the guys from the original lineup of Kyuss. Big Grin
They'd probably even do it for some good drugs, and expenses.
Quote:you promised you wouldnt tell ladi
oops. I didn't tell them you planned it all and wore the dress too. oops :confused:
thats more secret meetings outside the trailer
Oh geee....I don't know nuthin' 'bout getting wedded.

But, if I ever did, I would probably do something small under a full moon in the summer time, but, I'm wierd like that. :crackhead:
What about The Benjamins or Poppa Squat?
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