Full Version: i love luna
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wait, her diaper fell off???
hey old guy, let me get some of your cock pills.
sorry, I'm fresh out. I've got some Calcium supplements if you want, however.
and the ensure, don't forget the ensure
Ensure is actually good, but too expensive, I just stick with the whey powder.
soy protein rules all.
soy is for fags
so is cock. your point?
keysers loves soy....
and your cock?
just sayin that soy is gay
speaking of keyser, he is going to have one hell of a tantrum when he logs in here and sees the title of this thread.

nice going, gonzo
keyser is too busy standing in the rain, trying to figure out how in the hell his game 1 ticket is good for game 2 and not game 1 anymore.
GonzoStyle Wrote:keyser is too busy standing in the rain, trying to figure out how in the hell his game 1 ticket is good for game 2 and not game 1 anymore.
I hope he brings his webcam along... then we can all savor the moment, you know?
his brain may explode if he tries working a camera at the same time.
I'm sorry, but i have to do this: LOL!!!!!!!
i appreciate luna's active posting here.

thats about all i can muster.
keyser wants to fuck luna till her head caves in, its so obvious.
i want her head to cave in, but do i really need to fuck her to see that happen?
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