Full Version: so the bosses daughter
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virgingrrl Wrote:i just got caught by my boss acting out how it would look if our knees bent backwards as we walked.

he smirked...shook his head...and walked away.

my day is better than yours.

No, cause at the end of the day, I am me and i'm the shit.
faceman802 Wrote:Offer her your GREEN TEA!!!!

if she wanted green tea,
she'd take the tea from her daddy's flunky.

JAPs are shy that way.
I want VG to come to my office,
and we can act out what it would look like,
if her knees were touching her ears.
oh noes.
I love the fact that he expects her to come down to his office, like he's the prize.
did you miss the part where I clapped my hands and said chop chop?
I do that at work all the time, when im takin a shit.
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