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we had one of those?
you're starting to iritate me again.
Hoon Wrote:--this double post has been brought to you by jack's ineptitude--

stop stealing my bit you SOB
Hoon Wrote:you're starting to iritate me again.

sorry Chuckles.
and here i thought it was ken invented every bit on the internet.
Laz loves to claim shit and mix up white people, that's actually the real bit.
he's been around of all of them but he didn't create them.
and on the 7th day, he had lunch.
speaking of, I dunno what I'm havin' today but I'm starvin'!
bowl of dicks always makes a nice lunch
for you, sure - but I'm not gay so that doesn't work.
How 'bout a bowl of testicles?, I think that's also more up Bag's alley (and ass).
My, what big testicles you have............... in your sig.
mine are bigger - and clean shaven!!
AND you have foreskin.

That rocks!
what can I say, I'm the total package! yea!!!
Luna Wrote:AND you have foreskin.

That rocks!

please dont ingorage the foreskin
ingorage? wtf
I'm not gonna gourge on his foreskin!
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