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I did have Danked and Sleeper over that one time.
So I was at this party over the weekend,
and a bunch of teenagers were scarfin down all the shrimp,
so I say, "Hey the Ocean called it's running out of shrimp"

they all just looked at me.
I woulda been there to back you up but you and arpi can maybe muster up enough for a witty comment, just done soil your depends.
GonzoStyle Wrote:I woulda been there to back you up but you and arpi can maybe muster up enough for a witty comment, just done soil your depends.

have you been drinking?
you have made it clear that I am no longer your favorite, dinner is off!!!
you sir are no gentleman,
Arpi gave me broadway and celebrity.....

you wanna go dutch at olive garden.
you never gave me the chance.

then you stabbed me in the back, brutus.
I have a lean and hungry look.
Gonzo refused my request to buy him a drink.
mmm, Olive Garden
I dont think Ive ever bought Gonzo an alcoholic drink, I remember him always drinking seltzer.
alcohol is for losers
and lushes.
water is the way to go
care for a sip?
fuckin vermont!
Why has he foresaken us?
cause he's a dirty hippie
I'm starting to think you might have been right about that whole carrots & sausage thing.
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