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yeah you can rip either whole dvd, a chapter or just a clip.
Luna, you could go with this program probably.. but it might be complicated with the setup..

i will still provide you with the program i use tomorrow though.
i'll post the website with the instructions later tonight.
thank you, both of you.

I appreciate this.
GonzoStyle Wrote:if you wanna rip a dvd to avi or mpeg, or to just get a clip.

best software is AOA dvd ripper. Look for it on torrents, get the one with the crack. I can send you the crack if anything, so you dont pay the 35 bucks or whatever it is.

It's really simple once you configure it the first time.

As far as just ripping a dvd to make a copy, I use either nero or dvd decrypter if its copy protected.
if anyone needs nero im me later
AoA DVD Ripper works perfect. If a nimrod like me can figure it out and use it, it is pretty easy.

Thanks, this is EXACTLY what I was looking for.

wooo, this is gonna be fun.
better clean your scuzzy first then the terminology will be be right
sorry I forgot about this.

here is the link to the instructions on how to configure and use it. Like I said, you only need to configure it once.

the only tip I can offer on top is when you are in settings, click the advanced tab and select to synch up the audio, cause sometimes there may be a lag when you rip.

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and you can select which format, so it can be avi, mpeg, divx, etc.
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