Full Version: Serious yahoo serious thread
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Young Einstein mother fuckers
yahoo gives the best directions
wouldnt a yahoo serrious thread bleong in entertainment?
We have to try to split the beer atom!!!11!
Quote:wouldnt a yahoo serrious thread bleong in entertainment?
No, it really wouldn't. serrious is far from entertaining
wouldnt a yahoo serrious thread bleong in entertainment?
No, it really wouldn't.

Yahoo! posted its sixth straight loss in the first quarter, but excluding charges, reported a profit of 2 cents per share which was in line with Wall Street analysts’ expectations.
Yahoo is the Coke of the Internet. That should be a core holding of anyone's portfolio
Yahoo Fantasy Sports are very well done.
My only complaint about the public leagues is that you can anonymously vote against a trade. I think if you are going to veto a trade, you should be forced to have it known so you can explain yourself.

Other than that, they're great. And considering that they are free, they are amazing.
I agree about the trade thing, I think all trades should be approved if you know everyone in the league and you know theres no collusion. If someone is dumb enough to make a bad trade, thats their problem.
I think this DOES belong in entertainment.:firebounce:
Quote:I think this DOES belong in entertainment

Don't worry, Maymay, no one will ever accuse you of doing that all too often.

I do havew a question, what the fuck went on today? This place is a fuckin mess.
Quote:I do havew a question, what the fuck went on today? This place is a fuckin mess.

To you its a mess, to Maynard its pure bliss.
I didn't create what happened today.

In fact, I barely posted today.
Ikea boy should be marched in front of all the members and have sean rip his medals off at the end of the line.

Either that or he should be tied to a tree and repeatedly raped by members of the board.
Quote:Either that or he should be tied to a tree and repeatedly raped by members of the board.
You go first gonzo and then when you're ready again you can have my turn...I'm not into getting into men...
Quote:I'm not into getting into men...
Thats not what the other tomato said.
<span style='font-size:17pt;line-height:100%'>***THREAD HIJACK***</span>

Who votes for raping Ikea?
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