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drusilla Wrote:she got a man
he probably drives a black trans am.

those guys get all the ass.
GonzoStyle Wrote:and we were cupids

Like Hoon with wings?
and arrows that spread love and chocolate bunnies
put me in a diaper and i will shit in it.
i promise you.
you are big enough for pull ups.
Ken'sPen Wrote:he's a clone of some kid named

fbdkl;fajsdlf;kj but I haven't seen him post lately.

galt was correct, you have a bad memory.
yeah, clearly his name was fddkl;fajsdlf;kj, not fddkl;fajsdlf;kj!!
it wasn't him at all. he has the gay sigs and looks like harry potter
what the fuck are you babbling about?

I meant you POST the same quality of shit.
hedcold is berating you right now under his soft, unobtrusive little girl breath.

[podcast fan joke]
If he rolls a 17 he can cast a Flames of the Mage Spell on me,
and I will REALLY be fucked.
you're predictable
predictably FUNNY,
am I right?
am I right?
Ken'sPen Wrote:Arpi - He can be hit or miss, at times brilliant,
at times he beats a dead horse..... But I always find his posts worth reading. He does a good job of "keeping it real" as he won't respond to any off board communications (at least from me) Like you I believe him to be truly mercenary, not really ever having a friend on the board. he will be your buddy if it suits him, and he will gut you for a laugh.

For the record there is a board Wiki pinned above with write ups for everyone....
but if you want my opinion I'll continue.

ken knows me better than i know myself
Ken'sPen Wrote:Gonzo is a board God.

He should be a professional writer.

While sometimes his humor misses for me,
there is NOBODY better at quickly writing a post that summarizes a situation or person better.

If you are acting like a dick, Gonzo will be able to write 5 paragraphs exlplaining in painful detail EXACTLY why you are a dick and have it ready to post in minutes.

he is a bit manic depressive,
and his bio rythems rule his mood.
when he's up he's king of the world,
when he's down..... I leave the board.

this guarantees ken will never be banned from this board
Luna Wrote:to an inexperienced newb. Arpi can be a total nightmare. He can hold you in a state of perpetual terror if you have your head up your butt.

this made me so happy i cant begin to explain it
Mittens loves her cupids!

Unless things don't work out then you better not talk to me ever again.

Or wear the Dino mask for about 2 years.

And yes, i am magical.
i'm right here buddy!
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