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hedcold wasnt even paying attention to a fucking mets playoff game, thats disgraceful.

i don't hate the yankees, its not a prerequsite to be a mets fan to hate the yankees.

so long as they're not playing the mets, why should i care if they're winning. ultimately i want to see them make it to the world series every year so the mets can beat them.
Keyser Soze Wrote:
Arpikarhu Wrote:he just watched it go by. bases loaded, the season on the line, the big free agent acquisition, and his only movement was a quivering of the knee. after that the season was over.

sad, really sad.

but not to me.

for me, pure joy. made my whole season.

only thing better was the last time the mets were in the series and the yankees crushed them.

beltran is one of the greatest postseason performers in the history of baseball.

mariano failed in a huge spot too. it happens.

i root for the yankees as long as they're not playing the mets. i would have much rather seen the yankees make it to the world series than have them fail for the 6th straight time.

still better than 20 straight years.

as for beltran being one of the greatest postseason performers in the history of baseball.
i say "get a grip" he has only played in the post season twice. TWICE!
and the second time he sent his team's season to the showers.

jellyleg has a long way to be considered as one of the all time postseason greats.
i'd take beltran over just about anyone in the postseason, he's come through more times than not and has already reached legendary status in just two postseasons.

meanwhile the yankees have been sent to the showers six straight years.

randy johnson, what a joke. jared wright!!!! LOL!!!

your entire team choked in the postseason, outside of posada. at least the mets took it to one inning short of the world series. the yankees were pathetic losers, not even able to manage more than one win in the entire postseason.

have fun with a-rod.
Keyser Soze Wrote:i'd take beltran over just about anyone in the postseason, he's come through more times than not and has already reached legendary status in just two postseasons.

call me crazy but Id still rather have jeter, reggie or shit even dave justice than beltran after his 2 whole post season apperances. anyone can have a good post season or 2, I'll reserve "Legendary" status for those that have done it more than that.
i thought you were a cardinals fan? can you just leave us alone in our tree please?

p.s. jeter looked like shit this postseason.
faceman802 Wrote:
Keyser Soze Wrote:i'd take beltran over just about anyone in the postseason, he's come through more times than not and has already reached legendary status in just two postseasons.

call me crazy but Id still rather have jeter, reggie or shit even dave justice than beltran after his 2 whole post season apperances. anyone can have a good post season or 2, I'll reserve "Legendary" status for those that have done it more than that.

come on.. you obviously have to take Mr. October over anyone else..
David fucking Ortiz.
His heart may not be able to take the excitement.
He would still go 2 for 3 on an iron lung.
I'll agree with you twice in one day but that is all!
Keyser Soze Wrote:meanwhile the yankees have been sent to the showers six straight years.


still better than 20 straight years. they got one shot in 20 years and the yankees slammed them.
"The Yankees are lesser losers than the Mets"

That's just a great 2007 slogan right there.
i bet none of the yankees have swamp lip
oh come on. jeter has to have something..
Arod had swamp lip all of the '04 playoffs and was even wearing lipstick.

Giambi and Jeter and known homos.
Keyser Soze Wrote:i thought you were a cardinals fan? can you just leave us alone in our tree please?

p.s. jeter looked like shit this postseason.

When I see obviously objectionable remarks, I gotta say something. It is my duty
I hate the Cardinals.
i really hope this series ends quickly...i'm tired of it bumping back my midnight scrubs hour
just watch the scrubs reruns on wgn
scrubs is on comedy central at 7-8 mon-fri. it really is one of the funniest shows on tv
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