Full Version: If I ever get cancer, I'm going to shoot myself in the face.
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Pages: 1 2 3
why, what happened?
you know
no, what?
you know
Mellencamp joined the board?
i always thought you and gonzo made a great couple, heterosexually speaking
he'll always be the ying to my yang - all couples fight, this will blow over.
I don't care for your use of the term blow
there is a gay joke in here somewhere
well now that you showed up, of course there is.
joeybags=gay joke?
You're no longer my consiegliegliegliare, I am taking new applicants for the position.

we're through!
you didnt even try to offer top three!!!!
attention whore
Goatweed Wrote:you didnt even try to offer top three!!!!

I dropped jeter, so you woulda been #3 right now, but josh is in your place.

This all coulda been all right, but you ruined it!!!
Goat has myspace now?
Luna Wrote:Goat has myspace now?

no, but I was ---><--- that close to signing up, until 'top 4' stung me deep. A consiglieieieieiere should be #2!!!
oh man, I think he's for realz - he's not answerin' my PMz!
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