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Shit in the urinal.

SP style
I shit in the morning, but I piss in the sink even when the toilets work, so i'm good.
ok so she has nothing to do and has been updating her myspace for the last 30 minutes.

So since I am currently in charge of managing the opening of a training facility we're opening. I ask her to call up some competitors and see what they are charging.

So I give her a list of the approved training facilities in the states of NY & CT, to call them for pricing info.

She comes back after an hour with check marks next to each of the schools...

The convo:

what's this?

the list you asked for.

yeah but where is the pricing info?

what prices?

for the training tuition

oh... you wanted the actual prices?

yes, what did you think I wanted?

well I called and asked them if they offer training and checked off the schools which did.

let me guess, everyone on the list offers training?


well maybe because this is a list of training schools...

oh.... so you want me to get the prices?

yeah, thats kinda what I asked for, thanks.

Confusedigh: ok, so should I write down the prices?

unless you wanna memorize them, sure!


my favorite is thinking about the competitors she called.

"Hi, do you offer training?"
"yeah, of course"
"OK, thanks."
"Is that it?"
"But don't you want to -"
She may have worked here prior to joining you.
Galt Wrote:my favorite is thinking about the competitors she called.

"Hi, do you offer training?"
"yeah, of course"
"OK, thanks."
"Is that it?"
"But don't you want to -"

I actually stepped out to listen to her and I was cringing through most of it. Then she saw me and kept on putting the people on hold every other sentence to ask me what to say. The only reason I asked her to do it was cause management bitched at me for not giving her enough work. I coulda done it myself in less than 15 minutes, yet it took her 2 hours and she comes back to me with 2 prices and the rest will be "sending us info".

so you gave them our mailing address, brilliant, way to be incognito.
When will you be caving her skull in?
oh, quit the charade already Gonzo and just tell her you're in love with her.

love = murderous rage
get her myspace address
she's one of those crazy sexy drunken college whores so you know she has a ton of hoochie friends, I hate her so much though.
I would LOVE to see her myspace...
send her mine please...kthnkz

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where did she go to school?
she goes to queens college

and birdy as soon as you accept my friend request, I am giving you goats #3 spot which I promised him.
Done and Done.

Now, about this retarded chick.....
unless you own a helicopter and a benz, no shot son.
I refuse to believe that, he birdy. BIRDY!!!!!!!!!!
How about a Ford Explorer and 4 inches of blue steel?
her boyfriend has a 10 incher, I saw him at the gym.

even THE birdy can't score with this one.
You "saw" him?

If its 10, I would have asked for a picture.

Just sayin'
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