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that i'd like to see
Id make a joke about how 4x his usual speed is still 2x slower than our speed, but he's not fat anymore.
it's ok. you tried.
I always do.
I'm still fat, just not THAT fat.

so please proceed with the fat jokes for a while more, I don't wanna ruin the fun.

nigger fucker
but I dont fuck nigz.
and mel gibson was "sorry" for his drunken tirade.
well he did sound truly upset & humbled.

he also confirmed there wont be anymore Lethal Weapon movies, which considering how awful the 4th one was, can you really doubt his sincerity?
Look at the fucking spook fucking old guy.

Whats up holme?
the 4th one was great, the 3rd one sucked.
I disagree - the 4th one was with the whole 'family' angle, fuck that.
but jet li was the best villain since gary busey
his character was severely limited tho, probably because at the time he was fairly unknown but his big moment didn't happen until the end.
GonzoStyle Wrote:I use my cell as an alarm, it plays the benny hill theme, it's loud and gets me ready for another day of wackiness.

thats actually one ringtone i'd consider, i like that.

maybe the sanford and son theme or whats happenin.
I liked the sanford and son theme but my boss uses it and it will always remind me of him.

The knight ryder theme is sweet tho.
i used to have kiss from a rose by seal but it went off in cvs and all the black people looked at me and i got embarrassed. now its the cure.
So when the white people looked at you funny it was ok but when the nigs did it, it set off an alarm.
nigs are a better coolness barometer.
segregation was a great idea put down by evil men.
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