Full Version: Election Outcome Predictions......
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I might get Arpi's vote.
GonzoStyle Wrote:Well it would be skewed as of now cause you got your doors board pals.

most of those retards don't like me......

so I think it woud only help you.
arpi is anti-gonzo, so is goat, you'de take luna, possibly keyser, jays
which ones dont like you?
anybody who loves beedogs would vote against gonzo
Keyser would cut off his two inch dick before voting for me.
arpi would vote for me cause deep down he loves me no matter what.
hence the "MIGHT"

you were less dopey when you were chubby.
i'm the funniest person who ever lived, in person.
in person I am the most loveable.

all the soccer mom MILFS cream over me.
I think this needs to be settled.
I never said I was anti-Gonzo!
Goatweed Wrote:I never said I was anti-Gonzo!

you never said you fuck niggers either, but somehow we know that
no fucking secret ballot,
I know I will lose votes from the pyschophants who love to suck your ass,

but in a secret vote all your 10 name friends will vote.
faceman802 Wrote:
Goatweed Wrote:I never said I was anti-Gonzo!

you never said you fuck niggers either, but somehow we know that

but I dont fuck niggers - youre right that I never said it, tho.
how are the polls here not sercret? we can't view who voted.

werent we supposed to install that mod or something?
GonzoStyle Wrote:how are the polls here not sercret? we can't view who voted.


how fucking stupid has your weight loss made you?
this is like the kean jr/menedez debate right here
well I tell him I don't want a secret ballot vote,
and he tells me our votes are secret,

fucking idiot.
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