Full Version: Vote...Neediest Bitch on the board
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Took this idea from the last vote thread from what was said. vote now
this is gonna end well.
I'm not sure how to vote,
I hate Keyser,
but I like winning polls.
faceman802 Wrote:wha?


that's how Borat does it, he's so awesome.
Ken'sPen Wrote:I'm not sure how to vote,
I hate Keyser,
but I like winning polls.

and sucking them, OH!!!

oh man I so got you.
now I know how goat feels
faceman802 Wrote:now I know how goat feels

tested positive?
I'm clean as as whistle, never had an STD in my life - thank you very much!
goat i would like to officially apologize for taking gonzo's side in his feud with you
because I've never had an STD?
for the record i don't hate ken. that would require me to actually care about him in the first place.
Goatweed Wrote:because I've never had an STD?

No because gonzo is a poopiehead
faceman802 Wrote:goat i would like to officially apologize for taking gonzo's side in his feud with you

I'm all you have as a link to the past, you can not foresake me!
so are you taking me back?
Keyser Soze Wrote:for the record i don't hate ken. that would require me to actually care about him in the first place.

I wish statistics were readily available,
like how many of your posts contain my name.......
Goatweed Wrote:so are you taking me back?

ugh, I guess.
Ken'sPen Wrote:
Keyser Soze Wrote:for the record i don't hate ken. that would require me to actually care about him in the first place.

I wish statistics were readily available,
like how many of your posts contain my name.......

talk to jack, he can run a database query for you. your obsession with me is well documented here.
true I hate you,
and have often posted on the topic of your lameness.
couple of needy broads
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