Full Version: Questions & Requests for the Anniversary podcast
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For our 10th podcast, which is like the equivalent of the 100th show, minus the syndication money.

please submit requests, questions, etc for the next podcast. Maybe there is a question you have about das golden age, or a topic you want us to discuss, or maybe you want us to die. Maybe you want to ask us personal shit or get our opinion on something, etc.

kinda like being able to call in but not really.
can it be done live? like as youre doing the show, have people submit stuff via AIM or something? INSTANT FEEDBACK!!!
thats kinda hard to do with our equipment, live for all 2 listeners... just join the fuckin skype call and listen.
fine, no need to be snippy.

and why the fuck doesnt anyone else listen?
get Isiah Thomas to call in.
Goatweed Wrote:fine, no need to be snippy.

and why the fuck doesnt anyone else listen?

cause we suck and they have better shit to do, unlike you who is old and settled down and keyser who lives on the internet.
Because I started to listen to one and it was 2 hours long. There was no structure, it was just ramblings and dead silence. And Jays has an annoying voice.

Make it 15 minutes and maybe I'd listen.
thankfully your opinion means as much to me as a pile of eggplant caviar!
you lie and everyone knows it.
so sorry we don't meet your broadcast standards, douchebag.
Galt Wrote:you lie and everyone knows it.

every word was truth
i would like to make it more so its daily shows, but they're only like 20-45 minutes or something. but it seems like its usually hard to figure out schedules or something. (yes yes i have been part of the scheduling problem too)
but then we'd also have to come up with crap to talk about every day.
a....... DAILY SHOW you say?!?!?!

i'm so ashamed!
now you know how it feels

but a daily show, while a good idea. It poses several issues, number one is the schedule. Also it would have to make us basically focus in on just a single kind of niche subject. Cause if you're limited to just 20 minutes, you cant really just pick a topic.

I would definetly be all for it.

Honestly we could do it like jeopardy and just do an hour every other day, this way we have 2 shows worth or whatever.

We definitly need to figure out a structure though as far as prepared topics and some decent fuckin editing.
I jotted down some ideas on a couple post its, we'll do a production meeting later.

there will be tea and cookies!
no punch & pie?
too fattening
youre looking great, btw - totally in a non-homo way, tho.

keep it up!
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