Full Version: What's new pussycat?
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so last week i was playing with my black lab puppy and as i was leaning down to make a funny sound near her face and she decided to kinda jump up and play nip me. her inscisor(tooth) went through my tongue and chipped my tooth! i went to the dentist on monday and had it repaired.

i no longer look like lloyd christmas from dumb and dumber.

Edited By LZMF1 on April 11 2002 at 7:16
I hope the puppy's ok.
Fuck the tooth, the tongue must have hurt like a BITCH.
Quote:BTW, could you turn your radio down?
That's fuckin funny. The first day I was in the "temp" desk, I had two people that couldn't figure out where the music was coming from because it's so fucking quiet in that department.
well, i have a job, i think probably. i'm going in to trail tomorrow morning. it's only two shifts to begin with, and i refuse to believe i really have a job until i'm actually going regularly and coming home with money. however, it's pretty exciting news, i just heard from them a couple of hours ago. once i'm for real working there you can all come down and visit :firebounce: Confusedmokey: :firebounce:
NICE Tricia!! WEEEEEE FOR YOU!!!!! :bouncer: :bouncer: :bouncer:
I've got finals in 3 weeks. Finals suck, but then I'm home for the summer.
I know i am a little behind on my current events but since cunt- is headed back "home", i was wondering, have the jews started putting palestinians in trains headed for camps yet? :firebounce:
Quote:I know i am a little behind on my current events but since cunt- is headed back "home", i was wondering, have the jews started putting palestinians in trains headed for camps yet?
fucking crack, ther are no trains that lead to the ocean!!
ok fine, camal caravan, like i really have a clue what you desert dwellers ride around on
oh shuy up newbie!!
don't make me goose step all over your ass
i just put on my red doc's for tonight in your honor
ooh really? for li'l ol' me?{Wink}
do you feel honored, you should, i generally don't give a shit about people to make an effort, but in your case, things have changed:poke:
Maynard...don't feel bad, I'm on desk number 7, which really if you think about it is desk number two. I've literally been in the copy room against the wall, and they told me if someone who deserves a cubicle starts I have to sit against the wall again. So cheer up!
along similar lines, as a temp i often had jobs where i came in each day then wait around for a half hour or so until they figure out who's on vaca or out sick, then i sit at their desk, then they come in late and i get bitched out for sitting at their desk. i don't do that anymore.
Going to piddle and wash my face, thought you all would like to know Smile
Wanna suck my toilet paper dry?
oh my god that is so hot
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