Full Version: Das Golden Age: Chat thread Version 987: Chatanooga Choo
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he wont take offense. he knows how bad people can be. but since he's gonna be a doc he's more anti lawyer. wich would make for great dinner convo since my brother & sister in law are both lawyers. he would never speak up though.
oh no, she's fuckin' with Gooch now?
I'm not scared
funsnapsdyno Wrote:I'm not scared

'you will'

I don't know Gooch at all...

but I heard he keeps dead bodies in a secret room in the basement...

be afraid
Goatweed Wrote:
funsnapsdyno Wrote:I'm not scared

'you will'

I'm shaking in my boots

remember italics is sarcasm!
drusilla Wrote:he wont take offense. he knows how bad people can be. but since he's gonna be a doc he's more anti lawyer. wich would make for great dinner convo since my brother & sister in law are both lawyers. he would never speak up though.

Yeah you get a good doctor once in a while but far and few in between. The majority just pinch you a couple of times and ask you "does it hurt when I do this" like 50 times and then ask you to bend over so they can fuck you in the ass with all the useless bullshit they're gonna put you through.

Then they end up getting it wrong anyway.
The Prodigal Son Wrote:Psssst...funsnapsdyno

I don't know Gooch at all...

but I heard he keeps dead bodies in a secret room in the basement...

be afraid

it sounds like he needs Dr. Phil
i don't charge people per visit. i'm just here all day long one set fee. i think that's why i'm poor.

that, & i'm not a dr.
ever get someone who walked in and pointed to their cock and said "it hurts here" :wink wink:
i've gotten that as well as "can you stretch my groin" & "what's a jumping jack? can you show me?"
the jumping jack line made me chuckle, that was good.
that was an oldie. from back in my college days.
when they were a mere 97 double y's?
yeah so much tinier
ever get the smoothie

hey can you jump around for no reason, while I stroke my penis, k thanks?
not yet!
what kind of fuckin losers you got on these teams what the fuck, you work in philly?
i work at a cuny remmeber - they're all stupid

wink wink nudge nudge
Hey what's wrong with Philly.. don't be hatin
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