Full Version: I Drink Milk
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I drink Lactaid and I'm not even lactose intolerant.
I get the smartbeat cheese, its lactose and fat free. Its not good just plain but put it in an egg white omlet and its really fuckin good.

Or for grilled cheese
galt reallly did a number on you
I'm pretty sure you shouldn't be drinking or eating products made for lactose people if youre not so yourself.

It might fuck up your actual ability to intake it in your body.
Lactose intolerance is all bullshit anway. It's just psychosematic. Like ADD or peanut alergies.
We shall ask Dr. Dino about this!
i'm a fan of 1% too
strawberry milk bitches!
Hawt Baux Wrote:I'm pretty sure you shouldn't be drinking or eating products made for lactose people if youre not so yourself.

It might fuck up your actual ability to intake it in your body.

Galt Wrote:Lactose intolerance is all bullshit anway. It's just psychosematic. Like ADD or peanut alergies.

GonzoStyle Wrote:We shall ask Dr. Dino about this!

the good dr. says:

"those are all valid statements...............................................for me to poop on!"

it's 3am, i think his funny went to sleep sometime during our viewing of the da vinci code.
Galt Wrote:Lactose intolerance is all bullshit anway. It's just psychosematic. Like ADD or peanut alergies.

lactose intolerance occurs because it is not a genetic advantage for adults to drink milk, therefore in some people the ability is lost with age.
vanilla soymilk with cereal is delicious
^^^ i haven't dank regular milk in years i i found plain white milk gross the only way i would ever drink it was with olvatine. but now i drink vanilla silk milk.
you drink ovaltine too!!!!!

holy fuck
soy milk is fuckin' gross, vanilla or otherwise.

I've really cut down on my general dairy intake, but when I do drink milk it's Skim Plus - which is basically skim milk with whole milk solids added to it so it seems like whole milk, but there's no fat. It rules.

Strawberrry milk is also king of the flavored milk drinks, but those are loaded to the gills with sugar so I don't have those very often.
Goatweed Wrote:soy milk is fuckin' gross, vanilla or otherwise.

yeah the nutrient fluid produced by the mammary glands of female cows sounds so much more delicious.
For me its just some kind of kooky reaction I get, it's like it leaves a slug trail coating through my throat and then irritates me to no end.
Keyser Soze Wrote:
Goatweed Wrote:soy milk is fuckin' gross, vanilla or otherwise.

yeah the nutrient fluid produced by the mammary glands of female cows sounds so much more delicious.

that's not what I meant, I've tasted soy milk & it's like chalk water - it has nothing to do with where it comes from.
Women have milk come out of their tits. That's just funny.
humans are the only mammals that drink milk after weaning. milk is nasty. chock full of added hormones and antibiotics. i only use milk in my coffee and then its soy milk.
grape soda comes out of black women's tits
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