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worst movie ever!

it's harold and kumar with guns and no white castle, with christian bale using a horrible spic accent.

this is the whole movie.

ey, esse lets get some beers homes

yo homes lets get fucked up man!!

ey, esse lets get some weed maaaaan!!

yo homes orale!!!

ey, esse lets go to mehhhhhico and get some more beers mang!

yo homes for real!!

ey, homes lets shoot some vatos!!!

yo homes and then we'll get some pistolas!!!

the end
Wow, that sounds like pure gold.
there is like no point to the whole film, except them getting fuckin wasted, trying to find jobs and bale has a couple of silly wig outs.

and the ending... gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!!!
But, it looked so good in the trailers.
thats what I thought, but it shoulda been a clue that the trailer was so fuckin vague as far as what the film was about. Cause there really is zero point to the whole film.

most films have a maguffin, the whole film is a maguffin.

Like at least if maybe right at the end they had ashton pop on the screen and say that we been punked for our 9 bucks, then maybe it woulda been ok.
clue #1 shoulda been the fact that it made less than 2 million in its opening weekend, I just saw that on imdb, how awful.
I remember when Baseketball came out, I was really stoked to see it. About halfway through the movie, I'm ready to leave because it was a total piece of shit. Lucky for me the film got stuck in the projector about 5 minutes before the movie ended so we went to the box office and got our money back.
this was worse, baseketball was fuckin citizen kane in comparison.
people that don't love baseketball suck
Come on, that fucking movie was horrible. There may have been a chuckle here and there, but it was so lame.
there was zero!!! things redeeming about harsh times.

I loooooooooooooooove christian bale but even he was awful.
I like him a lot as well. THat's why I can't phathom why he would do such an abortion of a movie.
10 days and the box office barely squeaked past 3 million.... world wide!!!
Brilliant! Thanks for saving me cash.
i walked in there like "oh, even if the movie sucks, we're going to get a great performance out of bale. his character looks insane in this movie"

then the whole time i was sitting there like "ok this is when something exciting is going to happen.......ok this is when something exciting is going to happen.......ok this is when something exciting is going to happen......."

it never happened.
I fucking hate wasting money on a shit movie. These days I wait until I can get opinions from friends. We mostly have a shared opinion on flicks, so if they say it sucks, I don't go.
I am only following rotten tomatos from now on, fuck imdb.

the bond movie got a 96% by the way, sounds groovy.

harsh times only got 42%.
And of those 42%, how many came straight off the short bus?
Ninety-five percent.

Last movie I went to the theater was The Departed, and it was worth it.
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