Full Version: Hate k1d afrika - Come on you know you do...
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I miss the k1d I once knew and hope returns again.
Quote:I miss the k1d I once knew and hope returns again.

I have mellowed towards Kid since the other place. He gets kudos for being himself and I totaly admire and respect that. Would I want to hang with him? hell no. He is as welcome as AIDS. But we learn to live in a society with AIDS, so I figure just practice safe Kid and we will all survive.

It is fun to make darkie jokes at his expense also!
Quote:And you were welcomed back, as you should've been.

Yes..yes you were. I was there and I remember. And if you remember I was the first one to welcome you back in the thread you started. I am not trying to start shit with you here. I am trying to have an adult conversation with you. I am not here to pick on you or degrade you or ridicule you, but, for some reason you have taken pleasure in doing that to me. I do not know why it is you choose to be that way towards me and I may never know.
blue balls

:disappointed: :bouncer: :disappointed:
If Kid didn't care what people though of him why would he make threads about it.
Quote:And you were welcomed back, as you should've been.

Quote:Yes..yes you were. I was there and I remember.

Was there a vote on Kid's return? Why wasn't I asked? I could have been the deciding vote. Dammit!11111!!1!!!1
I'd just like to state that the ONLY reason I got only 1 vote for moderator is because I am misunderstood and think on a completely different (and better) level than all of you. You fear my knowledge, you fear my prescence. You just won't admit it out of fear of me completely annhiliating you with my momentous wit and forebrain. I am the greatest! I am the greatest! Vote Sleeper in 2003.
OOh can i be your campaign manager Sir Sleeper?
Why not? I get about as many votes as a Socialist candidate anyway.
The only thing we fear about "The" Sleeper, is, Your eyebrows.:bouncer:
Why vote for Socialism? It's better to have a bloody coup to oust the capitalists.
So Sean is "the capitalists"?
Yeah, but the Capitalists have all the money, and hence all the weapons. Have fun with your violent commies and their attempted overthrough with sticks, stones, and soy-based products
can i write the Muskie letter for you sleeper? (too obscure?)
Can I get you a pair of jogging shoes being you are running for office, Sleeper? :bouncer:

Edited By LunaBabe on April 12 2002 at 11:12

HA HA HA HA HA, you blew it!!!!!!!

this was meant to point out luna's miserable mistake which she attempted to hide by editing her post.

Edited By Arpikarhu on April 12 2002 at 11:15
Quote:can i write the Muskie letter for you sleeper? (too obscure?)
yes and yes
at least you got it
The Capitalists may have all the money but you are truly underestimating our ability to go Jacobin on your ass.
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