Full Version: hellllllooooo
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I'm gonna try for 2pm, there was seriously no reason for me to get here at 8, shoulda come in like 10.

I had like 6 hours worth of work but it took me like 2, cause im so spectacular.
That's cool. We just about finished cooking already, so I'm just gonna watch some foozball and relax.
show off!!!
I creeped out at 1, got a m hair did, a shave and then went to the gym.

Picked up my cracked pepper turkey and some mustard and now begins the..... nothing...
where did you get your haircut on thanksgiving?
my barber
You can be thankful AND sculpt a sweet fade at the same time. Nothing is impossible!
Plus I went all out and got a shave!

he has soft fingers and massages my face, all for an extra 2 bucks!
If you were good your barber would take a freestyle rap in place of monetary compensation.

And you claim brooklyn!?
Hoon Wrote:If you were good your barber would take a freestyle rap in place of monetary compensation.

And you claim brooklyn!?

My barber doesn't even speak english

by the way, i always thought his name was Simeon but I saw a prescription on his counter and his name is actually spelled "Semen", true story!

A guy named Semen cuts my hair.
hehe, you've had semen touch your hair
ZippyAidsFace: oh man when I was getting my hair did today
ZippyAidsFace: I got a call from the stupid hot bitch from work
ZippyAidsFace: she was all like "OMG I stopped by the office but you were gone, I wanted to give you a birthday present"
ZippyAidsFace: Now im all wondering what it is
ZippyAidsFace: I hope its sex
ZippyAidsFace: unwrap it
ZippyAidsFace: unwrap what?
ZippyAidsFace: ME!!!
ZippyAidsFace: yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees!
ZippyAidsFace: :funky 70's porn music:
ZippyAidsFace: beee doop boo boo de boop boop
ZippyAidsFace: eyyyy your pipe has a leak
ZippyAidsFace: let me plug it up
ZippyAidsFace: OOOH!
ZippyAidsFace: with my cock!

I was talking to beth at the time but im really hyper right now and shes scared i think
ya think?
I've been doing the Ali shuffle with my cat on my head for the last 40 minutes, he's hiding in the closet now, little fuck!
I shouldnt have smoked that last rock, it looked weird!!!


bee doobidy boo boop dee dow dow, chinka chinkka chooo durum beeessssh!

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