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let's not bang on nig's too hard...

without nigs, we wouldn't have baggy pants and gold teeth right now.
I wanna get a grill but i'm not getting a lot of support from my buds on it.
You'd have to be a super cool white guy to pull that shit off without looking like a poser.
yeah but the grill would have stars of david on them!!!
actually it's reasonably original.
I might cause a cold front if I take a deep breath!
you be sporting a shawl, fuckin bitches in a bathroom stall at the mall with yo mouf lookin somethin like a disco ball!
Hoon is mah nigga!!!
GonzoStyle Wrote:Hoon is mah nigga!!!

ah well, I had a good run while it lasted. I feel like one of hugh hefner's former girlfriends. As soon as a newer model comes into the mansion the old one gets shoved aside but there's probably a nice severence package where he's concerned. Ok, here's the keys to the ride hoon, careful in the corners it gets kinda loose
yay! not only gonzos 40000 post but also the 39000 post where he uses the word nigger.
faceman802 Wrote:
GonzoStyle Wrote:Hoon is mah nigga!!!
ah well, I had a good run while it lasted. I feel like one of hugh hefner's former girlfriends. As soon as a newer model comes into the mansion the old one gets shoved aside but there's probably a nice severence package where he's concerned. Ok, here's the keys to the ride hoon, careful in the corners it gets kinda loose
Phase 1 of replacing the H in CDIH with Hoon, complete!
Hoon is mah nigga but faceman is mah cracker!

there's room for both.
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