Full Version: Some good mash ups
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thats not what a mash up is.
Keyser Soze Wrote:thats not what a mash up is.

Quote:Also referred to as "bastard pop," mash-ups involves blending samples from two songs -- generally, one song's vocals atop another's instrumental or rhythm track.

wow I apologize I was really wrong there
dont question keyser, he's a musician!
ya'll're too hip for me
they're not meant to be some representation of some brilliantly imagined piece of original music. its a fun little hybrid of two different songs.

lighten up and enjoy.
I agree with keyser
the only one that didn't suck was the Beatles one.
Keyser Soze Wrote:they're not meant to be some representation of some brilliantly imagined piece of original music. its a fun little hybrid of two different songs.

lighten up and enjoy.

um no, you have your opinion, I got mine.
cool, thanks for sharing.

heres a ton more...

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I don't get the whole "mashup" lure. Rarely do the two songs fit together. Normally, it just ends up sounding like noise.

The Gray Album and the Judgement Night Soundtrack were good, but those weren't REAL mashups.
How is The Grey Album not a real mash up?
because it's Jay Z lyrics over Beatles music (and it's not even real Beatles music, but mixed Beatles beats)

The Mash Ups that I've heard have either both songs lyrics and mostly untouched music, or at a minimum lyrics from both songs with one of the songs' music.
wow keyser, thanks for sharing the link. I'll add 1 more to the count of links that you've posted that I haven't clicked on
im crushed
i wish
wouldn't you rather he was mashed-up??? get it? mashed-up?
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