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Rape the frumpy cunt with a splintered baseball bat.
"winnow" was a word that I got wrong on the SATs, and for whatever reason I have always remembered it. I find myself using it a lot now, probably because I got it wrong on the SATs.

"infintisimal" is the only other word I remember from the test (which I also got wrong), but I don't use that at all.

"verisimilitude" was one of my favorite words growing up. I thought it was just so cool. I always wanted to a find a way to use it, but I don't think I ever have.
I like the word "fuckface" it's not as great as "motherfucker" or "cocksucker" but it's gaining my respect as of late.
Baloo is a Bear, Baloo is a Bear

I will always remember that from the PSATs for the rest of my life and it disturbs the shit out of me

"Douchenozzle" is a great word and I'm trying my best to bring it back from oblivion.
facepump! I like that word.
pump yours into a toilet. please.
you first and don't forget to flush
you tell him, sister!!
GonzoStyle Wrote:you tell him, sister!!
*high five*
I'm editing..oh nevermind.. I don't have to explain nuttin!
someone questioned me why I come here

this mental breakdown was brought to you by funsnaps.
very lame.
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