Full Version: Gonzo is avoiding me
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you do this on purpose
I have to learn to stop replying.. I agree.
Just wanted to point out that funsnaps has more posts on this site than Bloody Anus.
Sad I know..

Oh wait - let me consult diceisgod to see if that was an okay reply
on purpose again
you're getting on my nerves.
If I can't come here and joke around and be sarcastic like the rest, then fuck you.
wow I amaze myself sometimes. Wasn't even trying, but anyway...

oh lawd.. you listen to opie and anthony too much.
Your schtick is OLD.
that's it, I quit
we need some of the healing power of jesus christ
Keyser Soze Wrote:well technically my cock incident took place on fba, just like alkey's incident was a thing.

you guys just brought it here and ran with it. so it should apply both ways or neither.

you make a very valid point, as a result I'd have to reconsider the CDIH exclusive stance - the Alkey stuff is in!
alkey was nominated last year actually, I foresaw his eventual downfall.
Emperor GonzoStyle?
funsnapsdyno Wrote:you said nymph and I changed it to whore because it was funnier.

try again
Goatweed Wrote:Emperor GonzoStyle?

my work here is done
GonzoStyle Wrote:alkey was nominated last year actually, I foresaw his eventual downfall.

Nice work then Nostradamus
Lets predict next years downfall.

My money is on Sleeper's bodyparts landing in a dumpster when his bookie finally rats him out.
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