Full Version: Return Of The Jedi
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The Star Wars flicks have been running ad nauseum on Cinemax for like the past month, and I've managed to almost always catch Return of the Jedi - and of course, I gotta watch.

Anyway, I think I prefer the new ending to the original. The song is better, I like seeing Coruscant & the Jedi Temple rebuilt, and even young Anakin doesnt bother me that much.

I've gained a new appreciation for the movie, it was always not so much of a fave of mine, but I like it a lot more now - despite the Ewoks.
jesus healed you
You ewok raper.
'Obi Wan's failure is now complete'

I totally understand what that means now - nice!!
Jedi was always my favorite because it had the most action and spawned the most toys - Jabba, the Rancor and his keeper, Bib Fortuna, biker scouts, the gamorrean guard, ewoks, and several other characters that I don't even remember seeing in the movie at all, yet had toys of.
Same principle applies to why He-man was so big.
Seriously, who in the fuck is <a href="">Prune Face?
sounds like one of Dick Tracys enemies