Full Version: Men of the cloth. - Jesus fuckin christ
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Quote:I just like showing off my knowledge of assassinations.

I'll wait for your knowlege of sex to come around. Ever look into priesthood?
Pope call bishops over for lunch.

Quote:On March 21, the pope did refer to the scandals in a pre-Easter letter to priests around the world, saying that "a dark shadow of suspicion" had been cast over all priests by "some of our brothers who have betrayed the grace of ordination."

He presented priests as among the victims "personally and profoundly afflicted" by the unnamed sins of priests who had succumbed "even to the most grievous forms of the mysterium iniquitatis — the mystery of evil — at work in the world."

At a news conference the day the letter was released, Cardinal Dario Castrillón Hoyos — who leads the Vatican Congregation for the Clergy and would thus seem to be the most obvious person to supervise the response to the crisis — made it clear that he did not want the job.

In fact, he seemed inclined to minimize the problem. Cardinal Castrillón lost his patience with reporters, whose questions he refused to answer, and commented disparagingly on the fact that almost all the journalists pressing him for a description of how the church planned to prevent any such future scandals were English-speaking.

"It's already an X-ray of the problem that so many of the questions were in English," he said.

This pisses me off. I always knew the Italians in the Vatican were a bunch of elitist bastards. This just proves it.
Quote:I always knew the Italians in the Vatican were a bunch of elitist bastards. This just proves it.
Why? Do they participate in a slacker thread?
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