Full Version: Guess the word
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josh hates that game
...and you are barren
that's a shame
life completely sucked. it took like 3 turns for me to get knocked out of the game.
im a yahtzee guy, myself
I like Uno.
<embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed>
That fit beautifully into the thread. Good find.
i am a big fan of ziggity
ziggity is too distracting for me, when compared to the simplicity of Uno. Besides, I can use either my classic pack, my 2003 New York Yankees edition, or my Fraggle Rock collector's tin.



um, no, that would be the wind up am/fm/tv/weather radio/flashlight/alarm/battery charger.
So someone one is getting coal in their stocking and not a spiffy camera again.
That's ok. I got a sweet camera this past christmas, I should be good for a few years.
fine, no more peanutbutter chocolate candy-type things either.
what, do you have some sort of direct line to santa?
All jews do.
but does he listen?
Yes, Santa is a part of the media and he knows that we control it.
that really is a sweet camera.
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