Full Version: Things I Don't Like
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-anyone who ever thought 'git er dun' was funny.
-co-workers who fuck with the Rocky Balboa action figure I have next to my monitor
-people who call you and say 'who's this?' when you answer.
-chest pains
The I.R.S.
if this thread was about things we like, my number one would be the television show, 'KING OF CARS'

Chopper is everything I want to be.
I hate bling bling guido wiggers like Chopper. I hope he falls in a bucket of AIDS.
people who use "ha" and "lol".. they suck!
funsnapsdyno Wrote:people who use "ha" and "lol".. they suck!

what would you prefer?
i hate that new style floor for basketball courts. that weird hard rubber. it makes my knee hurt.
drusilla Wrote:
funsnapsdyno Wrote:people who use "ha" and "lol".. they suck!

what would you prefer?

el oh el
i think i hate you
you forgot to add HaaHa!
people not in on the joke
funny thing, I do get the joke

good god
:::earth to nitwit::

I wasn't talking about you
-people who use the word nitwit
people who insist on making annoying sounds on the phone, when they have nothing to say or are thinking about something. I hate the "choo choo choo" rapid breating sound the most. The tounge clicking is a close runner up.
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