Full Version: Star Wars complaint thread - THE worst thing about them
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not to pile on, but faceman, do you still work at shop rite?
drusilla Wrote:
faceman802 Wrote:NEXT


D is just dating yourself, mr belvedere? my god man that was 20 years ago..I'd go with either B or C myself

i thought it was actually the only funny comment in the entire thread.

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You over estimate how much I think the Government affects my life.
how is posting a picture of how awesome faceman is a knee jerk reaction. he's obvious a handsome guy with a lot going on for himself.
you have no soul
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At the end of the Yoda-Dooku fight, Dooku brings down some giant pillar to let it fall on Anakin and ObiWan: Yoda uses the force to stop it from smashing them. Well I thought that was dumb because wouldn't it just be easier to use the force to slide them both out of the way?
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