Full Version: Don Imus got Fired
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why do so many people think that anyone has a right to free speech in the marketplace? It doesn't exist.

You have free speech in public. The government can't shut you up or tell you what to do.

You have absolutely zero right to free speech in the corporate world. A company has every right to fire you and censor you in any way they please. If XM or CBS or whoever don't want to see negative stories about their brand, then Oh well, fire the guy, end the issue.

People are completely retarded if they don't see the difference.
yeah but those companies, such as CBS and XM, are companies that are about voices heard over airwaves, people speaking their minds and the First Amendment. There's a difference.
Galt Wrote:why do so many people think that anyone has a right to free speech in the marketplace? It doesn't exist.

You have free speech in public. The government can't shut you up or tell you what to do.

You have absolutely zero right to free speech in the corporate world. A company has every right to fire you and censor you in any way they please. If XM or CBS or whoever don't want to see negative stories about their brand, then Oh well, fire the guy, end the issue.

People are completely retarded if they don't see the difference.

I think everyone realizes that any company has the power to do whatever they wish with their employees, and that the marketplace does dictate everything, but people who are fans of these various shows, they feel that they are the marketplace, they are the ones who listen to the sponsors, they are the ones who the sponsors are chosen for. When the audience starts to cry free speech and censorship, I think that it's their way of trying to tell the company, we have no interest in your product of on-air talent if they are going to be kept on a short leash and just tow the corporate line. When it comes to this issue, there are people who have no connection to either the show nor the fans who are dictating to the companies and the sponsors what they demand. Unfortunatly, there's no way for the audience to show solidarity or support for anything because the special interest groups have more clout.
i guess the O&A army just doesn't have the manpower. if they spent less time harassing reporters and put their efforts towards contacting sponsors they might actually do something beneficial for the show they're obsessed with.
just say you don't give a shit and cease posting in threads about topics you really don't care about.
you got more excuses than the republican party
Keyser Soze Wrote:i guess the O&A army just doesn't have the manpower. if they spent less time harassing reporters and put their efforts towards contacting sponsors they might actually do something beneficial for the show they're obsessed with.

O and A fans have no sponsors to contact since it's their own company which is dropping them, so, all they've been doing all day is dropping subscriptions left and right, and from I've read, it's a pretty significant number.
that'll show em!!!
why wouldn't it? Most people who listen to Opie and Anthony only have XM in order to listen to Opie and Anthony. If there's no Opie and Anthony, what's the point of having XM?

And why do you even give a shit? For like five or six years now, you've made it clear that you don't like Opie and Anthony or Ron and Fez and you despise their fans, so why does your opinion even matter?
i'd like to see some evidence that most xm subscribers purchased xm for opie and anthony, i'd venture to guess that an incorrect statement.

when did i say i didnt like ron and fez?
even if 100,000 people drop their subs, it's a small price to pay when there's a potential merger on the horizon - a merger that will instantly add a few million subs to the company.

people dropping subs because their convictions tell them to do it is a good thing, but doing it as a way to stick it to XM wont work in this case since there are clearly larger issues at stake.
The merger isn't going to go through. SIRIXM don't have a enough cash to pay the right peoples...
so sez the guy living in a fallout shelter waiting for the race war to begin
Keyser Soze Wrote:so sez the guy living in a fallout shelter waiting for the race war to begin

And when I see you being chased by a pack of wilding monkey's, I shall not be firing upon them to save your half white ass.
they love me, im half eggplant
from the waist up
Oh SHIT!!!!! Got him
I guess O&A are expendable if all goes to plan with the merger. They'll have their savior Howie and why would they keep direct competition in his slot once both channels combine? As long as they don't fuck up the CBS connection they'll be fine which doesn't give much hope to people like Maverick -

Oh man, I always loved that guy! Mav fan since day 1! It was him and armymad...geniuses! Back in the day the sun rose & set by them, god bless'em.
Mavric is like george bush without the suits.
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