Full Version: FF 2: Rise of the silver surfer
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The Jays Wrote:The only thing left for me that they will ultimately fuck up is Carnage. Maybe they can go back to square 1 and do a Weapon X movie. Hugh Jackman bare chested in the Canadian tundra? Hot.

they are doing a wolverine movie which will take place before the whole x-men films and trace the whole origin of Logan and how he became wolverine.

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oh well there is the dark knight though, that movie looks good.
Ever since they released that pic of Heath Ledger's head all Joker'd up, I CANNOT WAIT for that movie to come out. Aaron Eckhart as Harvey Dent, and him doing a possible Two-Face, AND rumor of a Penguin gundealer cameo. This movie is reeking of coolness.
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