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you should probably stop watching porn too then
and if you want to blame a wrestling league, shouldn't there be more blame on the japanese wrestling for this? isn't that where he did all the sick shit that would cause him to get hooked on stuff like pain killers and steroids for quicker recovery?
Porn?? The comparison being that porn stars die of AIDS and the studios that produce the porn are to blame? Sorry, I’m not really following that analogy.

And if by “sick shit” you mean utilizing above average wrestling talent while competing against wrestlers that were actually in his weight class, then yeah I guess he did do some “sick shit” over there.
it wasn't the best comparison, but its a job that involves you to put your body at risk and make it look a certain way. you don't think they know this before hand? as an adult he can't make his own fucking decisions to what he does to it, or any other wrestler that has died recently couldn't either? its all mcmahons fault? and i'm sure other drugs they had taken had nothing to do with it either, all steroids.

just seems like a cheap excuse to take the blame off these wrestlers you probably grew up loving, or for people who hate wrestling and just don't want to think a person can possibly want to do something like this on their own, but mcmahon has always been the evil one making globs of money, so lets blame him.
I’ve always been a proponent of individual responsibility. So no, of course it’s not ALL McMahon’s fault. McMahon didn’t choke anyone to death. But what he has done by transforming wrestling into this “sports entertainment” bullshit is directly cause the unnecessary deaths of dozens of wrestlers. Look at Eddie Guerrero. Perfect example. Circa 1997 when he was in WCW he was a great cruiserweight, weighing no more than 180 pounds, give or take. He wrestled against similar wrestlers like Rey Mysterio, Ultimo Dragon, Dean Malenko, etc. After being in the WWF for a few years, suddenly he got all huge and beefed up to about 225. Why? He was a great wrestler as it is, so why would he feel the need to juice up to that extent? Because the ONLY way he could compete in the WWF; the only way he could get a title push or be a “main eventer” is if he competed against the likes of John Cena and HHH and Batista. What business does this 180 pound guy have wrestling against these fucking bodybuilders that are twice his size and weight? That’s what the problem is. Yeah, it’s easy to say it’s their own fault for doing what they do to their own bodies. But that’s the only chance they have of making it. Now that Vince has a virtual monopoly on wrestling in this country, that’s the only way they can become a successful wrestler. It’s the only way they can make any money.

The inherent risk with being a professional wrestler has nothing to do with this. Look at Japanese wrestling. Yes, SOME organizations over there do partake in some “sick shit”. But how many 30 or 40 year old Japanese wrestlers do you hear about dying from heart failure – or from anything for that matter? The only Japanese wrestler I know of that’s died in the last few years is Shinya Hashimoto, and if you take a few seconds to google his image, it will be obvious that steroids were never a factor in his life. In Japan, you don’t have to make your body “look a certain way” to be a successful wrestler.

I don’t put all the blame on Vince just because he has globs of money. I put most of it on these fucking blind, dumbass, ignorant fans that give him his globs of money. Wake up, you morons.
Get off your soapbox, Anus. So it's the fans fault? Are you out of your mind?
So by your logic, anybody who watches or attends a baseball game should also bear responsibility for anything that happens to the players? Or football? It just doesn't compute.
all the kids taking steroids to try to make it to the majors, clearly the fans fault...
who's fault was it when ken caminiti died?
I blame the white trash that follows this "sport."
i blame Arpi
I dont think the roids played much of a part, it seems this was all pre-meditated and apparently they were shooting the kid up with growth hormones.

this world is really becoming a scary fucking place.
I wouldn't go so far to say that Vince McMahon is a murderer, but he obviously has no problem with his guys taking steroids and pain killers as long as he can hear no evil see no evil. Look at Vince himself, he's over the age of 60 and looks like a mutant Jack Lalanne. Benoit was 40 years old, and to be that age, wrestling for that long, took a terrible toll on his body, as it does on any pro wrestler, hell, even an amatuer wrestler. On top of that, the profession itself is not conducive to long term financial security, just about all "superstars" end out their lives penniless, working school gyms just to pay the rent, in pain, addicted to pain killers and narcotics. The product that the WWE pushes is far from the prime example of how good profesional wrestling can be when done correctly, and done purely, but because WWE is the place to be just to make it, the shadows of drugs are cast pretty long. And Vince has yet to learn than pushing bulky juicecaked muscleheads as the main attraction is and always will be what destroys the performance art of professional wrestling. Just recently, that Florida steroid ring revealed that current main eventers Edge and Randy Orton were linked to steroid purchases. In order to keep your place at the top of the company, steroids and pain killers are obviously the way that these slaves to Vince go to stay in the game.
Quote:Early Sunday morning, between 3:51 and 3:58 a.m., Benoit sent five text messages to co-workers:

Text Message 1 to two co-workers (sent 6/24 at 3:53 a.m.) - Chris Benoit’s cell phone
“My physical address is 130 Green Meadow Lane, Fayetteville Georgia. 30215”

Text Message 2 to two co-workers (sent 6/24 at 3:53 a.m.) - Chris Benoit’s cell phone
“The dogs are in the enclosed pool area. Garage side door is open”

Text Message 3 to two co-workers (sent 6/24 at 3:54 a.m.) - Nancy Benoit’s cell phone
“My physical address is 130 Green Meadow Lane.
Fayetteville Georgia. 30215”

Text Message 4 to two co-workers (sent 6/24 at 3:55 a.m.) - Nancy Benoit’s cell phone
“My physical address is 130 Green Meadow Lane.
Fayetteville Georgia. 30215"

Text Message 5 to one co-worker (sent 6/24 at 3:58 a.m.) - Nancy Benoit’s cell phone
“My address is 130 Green Meadow Lane. Fayetteville Georgia. 30215”
The difference in comparing steroid abuse in baseball/football is that, generally speaking, it’s something that the fans look down upon. Now admittedly, I am not one of those fans so for me to be so against it in wrestling seems awfully contradictory. But that’s a little bit of cognitive dissonance that you’re just going to have to get over. I’ve dealt with it; so can you. Wrestling fans encourage the blatant steroid abuse by continuing to support such a fucking awful product. And yes, baseball fans continue to support the Bonds/Giambis by selling out stadiums. But comparing baseball fans to wrestling fans is like comparing porn stars dying of AIDS to wrestlers dying from steroids. Or something like that. If calling the product awful and condemning its fans puts me on a soapbox, then so be it. But since I’m on such a higher level than everyone, you should try extra hard to pay attention.

Like a lot of children of the 80s, I grew up watching wrestling. I loved watching Hulk Hogan, The Ultimate Warrior, Demolition, Macho Man, all those talentless hacks that McMahon passed off as wrestlers. As I grew older and began to actually use my brain, I realized that these aforementioned wrestlers were, as I mentioned, talentless. This did not mean I stopped liking wrestling altogether; quite the contrary. I began liking wrestling even more. Specifically, I began liking what ECW had to offer in terms of in-ring action and wrestling talent. Instead of continuing to watch immobile goofs like Hogan, Diesel, Lex Luger, Steve Austin, et al. I began enjoying talented wrestlers like the Ultimo Dragon, Rob Van Dam, Taz, et al. Now, I had a choice to make. I could continue to watch the drivel broadcast every Monday night, or I could seek out the type of wrestling that I knew I favored. The type of wrestling that I knew was far superior to what this country had to offer. So I went overseas (not literally, idiot) and found that Japanese wrestling provided me with a product that I thoroughly enjoyed and appreciated. If knowing what I like and what I don’t like; what’s good and what sucks, makes me an elitist scumbag soapbox dweller, then I am an elitist scumbag soapbox dweller. I can live with that.

That’s really all I’m asking for out of these people. To not just take what’s given to you but to make your own conscientious choice. For grown men to stop having the mindsets of 8-year olds and to stop filling up arenas with retarded signs making fun of [insert popular heel wrestler here]. To stop for a second and say, “this sucks. I want something better.” It’s really fucking embarrassing to know that RAW is still cable’s top rated show. It’s embarrassing as someone who still technically calls themselves a wrestling fan to know that people actually pay money for these pay-per-views.

Quote: And Vince has yet to learn than pushing bulky juicecaked muscleheads as the main attraction is and always will be what destroys the performance art of professional wrestling.

Exactly. And the reason why he is yet to learn this is because it has yet to affect his bottom line. People are fucking stupid and will continue to buy into whatever he spoon feeds them as being “entertainment.” It’s all they know. It’s all they know because it’s all they allow themselves to know. They are part of the simple-minded part of this country that still cheer for Hulk Hogan, still use AOL, still believe in Santa Claus, and still blindly support George Bush.

Oh yeah, and I am very happy to see that at least Benoit had the decency to not harm his dogs. All’s well that ends well, I guess.
my analogy to porn had nothing to do with aids. it had to do with people physically harming themselves because they decide this is how i need to look to be successful in this business. for every porn star that is able to do it easily, you don't think there are a bunch of wackos out there doing god knows what, killing themselves, because they want to succeed? how is that any different from what guerrero did by pumping himself up 40 plus pounds to succeed in wrestling? they realize (most of the time) the risk/reward and they go for it. guerrero could have kept doing what he was doing, wrestling in japan or other circuits and making a living, but he wanted what the wwe had to offer and felt thats what he had to do. boo hoo

and then after guerreros death, they have this story lines that involve his wife and relatives, fighting over god knows what throwing his name around. that didn't show you that these people are in it for the money just as much as vince is?? please. why else would his wife possibly stick around like that?
Anus, knowing what you like or don't like doesn't make you elitist. That is your choice. Passing judgment on wrestling fans does. They go to these matches to enjoy themselves. Fans don't go to these things to speculate on who is doing what. They want to be entertained. Personally, I haven't been to one in at least 6-7 years. I don't find it is very good anymore.

I don't have a problem with laying some of the blame on Vince, because he obviously promotes the use of roids. Most of the time, only the huge guys get pushes and are placed in the forefront of the company.

I agree there is better wrestling products out there. But condemning those who enjoy watching the WWE just shows that you are not on that lofty level you think you are on.
Bloody Anus Wrote:Vince McMahon is a murderer.

Anybody that still watches and contributes money to the WWEFG whatever the fuck it is should be fired from their job, have their house and vehicle repossessed, and be deported - preferably to Africa. Anybody that allows their children to watch should be charged with child abuse and have them taken away and put into foster homes - preferably in Africa. It's just inexcusable already. People that still like this product have absolutely no redeemable qualities. They are the dregs of society and represent everything that is wrong with this country. I used to shake my head at how people in the 80s/90s mocked wrestling and wrestling fans. They just didn't "get it." But now I completely understand where they were coming from.

Fucking ridiculous.

i have never agreed more with a post.
Quote:my analogy to porn had nothing to do with aids. it had to do with people physically harming themselves because they decide this is how i need to look to be successful in this business. for every porn star that is able to do it easily, you don't think there are a bunch of wackos out there doing god knows what, killing themselves, because they want to succeed? how is that any different from what guerrero did by pumping himself up 40 plus pounds to succeed in wrestling? they realize (most of the time) the risk/reward and they go for it. guerrero could have kept doing what he was doing, wrestling in japan or other circuits and making a living, but he wanted what the wwe had to offer and felt thats what he had to do. boo hoo
Yes, I completely agree. Individual responsibility obviously has a lot to do with it. As easy as it is for the fans to say “this sucks, I want something better”, it’s just as easy for the wrestler to say the same thing and to go utilize his talents elsewhere, albeit making not nearly as much money. But you’ve got to be naïve to the point of mental retardation to deny the fact that the WWE bears a great deal of responsibility as well. They’re the ones that create and perpetuate this “pump yourself up or get the fuck out” mentality. It’s just unnecessary. You do not have to be a juiced up bodybuilding freak of nature to be a successful wrestler. This is a FACT whether you like the WWE product or not. Yes, it is up to the individual wrestler to decide not to partake in these actions, but it is also up to the organization to not require these actions be taken as a means to simply succeed in the business.

Quote: Anus, knowing what you like or don't like doesn't make you elitist. That is your choice. Passing judgment on wrestling fans does.
You’re the one that put me on the soapbox to begin with. You passed judgment on me as being “out of my mind” simply because you disagreed with me. Who’s the elitist now?

Quote: Fans don't go to these things to speculate on who is doing what. They want to be entertained.
Yeah, but that’s exactly how they are entertained. They’re not entertained by watching what goes on in the ring; that’s irrelevant and boring to them. Instead they’re entertained by who is doing what and who is doing who. “Who’s Stephanie McMahon sleeping with this week? Who’s going to kiss Vince McMahon’s ass today? How many beers is Steve Austin going to pour all over himself tonight? What hilarious catch phrase will The Rock utter today?” That’s the kind of shit that entertains these mutants.

Quote: condemning those who enjoy watching the WWE just shows that you are not on that lofty level you think you are on.
Again, you’re the one that put me on that lofty level. I condemn WWE fans because I think they are complete retards. I am not a retard, therefore it’s only natural to view myself as being superior to those who are. It’s really not that difficult. Just simple logic.
Bloody Anus Wrote:Vince McMahon is a murderer.

Anybody that still watches and contributes money to the WWEFG whatever the fuck it is should be fired from their job, have their house and vehicle repossessed, and be deported - preferably to Africa. Anybody that allows their children to watch should be charged with child abuse and have them taken away and put into foster homes - preferably in Africa. It's just inexcusable already. People that still like this product have absolutely no redeemable qualities. They are the dregs of society and represent everything that is wrong with this country. I used to shake my head at how people in the 80s/90s mocked wrestling and wrestling fans. They just didn't "get it." But now I completely understand where they were coming from. It's embarrassing to admit that I even know who all these dead wrestlers are and remember back when they didn't need to pump their bodies full of substances in order to get a push.

Fucking ridiculous.

This is you stepping up on your soapbox.

Any questions?
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