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Gooch Wrote:It's rather cute. Like kids thinking Santa actually wrote them.

You know any of those pigs ova there? I ask because I'm ready to mouth fuck one of the blue username fuckers. If you know any blueys, pm me all the private & personal info you can gather on ALL of them - I expect a thorough dossier with appendix and picture where possible, eg. lists of associated retarded or dying family members where appropriate, any known dead relatives, pictures of their tombstones, etc. I won't use it unless i need to resort to plan Zeta - which is the back up Suicide mission that follows many back ups (please don't send me anything). One more cheek AND more the fuck over my thread requesting assitance in the Customer Support forum lay unattended, now on day 10 or so, it's fucking war time ginzu fuckin knife time.
who would i know? i post there less than you.
Worth a try. It seemed as though your account had a custom status and some other fancy things. Thought maybe you knew them and were in tight with Sosa. Maybe you two know something I don't! Well anyway I fucking squoze (sp/) a fucking third testament of material in that little thread. It's like that freeze dried food astronauts eat. It's super concentrated OJ Simpson style right there. If that fool reads through that and has a morsel of common sense he will recognize and keep his fucking mouth shut. Fucking blue faggot name asshole. I bet i did more for tthat board in that fucking little thread then he's ever done with his 15K posts or whatever. He's a worthless shite, has ignored my thread in customer service though takes little pot shots at my thread...MY THREAD.... becaus I guess it don't meet his "standards" of excellence. I'M AN AH-TIST - Gimme a tuba, I'll fuck his mother with it. A jealous cocksucker because he realizes how much of a zero he is. A cockaroash. MANNY, SHOOT THIS PIECE OF SHIT!

Ps. I know you really care about all this..... Just need a repository for my some of this ammo that;s pouring out my ass right now in case I need to unleash the fucking hells of the earth on this dude. ONE MORE WORD!!

CTRL + C/V will be like E = mc ^2 to this dude in about two syllables.
Don't go Slash on us, pal.
Is it insanity taking such pleasure in eliciting posts like this? Carve a swastika in my forehead if so. This might be my fav all-time:

Some admin blue guy:
Quote:Listen here.

We run, not Two sites, two different teams. Sonny is doing his best to help you but due to the division in teams, we have to go through certain lines of communication and not everyone drops everything they are doing for a single complaint. Sonny has done his best and is waiting for a response.

None of us care if you like or dislike us. We are not here for your personal approval or friendship, we are here to run

This is not McDonalds, this is not fast food service with a smile, this is us doing our best for a very unappreciative, demanding and sarcastic bunch who don't realise the lengths we go to for very little reward.

If you have a problem with the main site, there are a whole list of people on the main site contributors and admin list for you to contact. We are doing our best, whether you believe us or not, like us or not, give a shit or not. Jeff and Garett are the heads of this entity, if you feel you've been overcharged or levied an unfair payment to the site, they are who you should be talking to and giving shit, not us. We don't have anything to do with the financial intake of the main site.

Now stop bitching and let us deal with this as best we can rather than whining like a baby because we've not put your toy back in your pram yet. You want to go all Harry Potter on us, that's your call.
Quote:For what it's worth, though you just said nothing, I like you

that's golden.
I love being banned for being too smart.
You don't see me, I am not here. But I cannot leave an incomplete tale. IP banned at! - can't see shit now. That's a first, not even wackbag did that to me. I'm so proud. I must have really got under that one cunt's cunt. But at least I may be closer to getting my fucking password. The person that finally contacted me, he included this Jeff Sherwood fellow on the cc, who I believe is the owner or a co-owner. I included the following "good citizen" tale to JS in my reply and if he reads this (which I doubt) I think things could get interesting. Though I could give an eff, what I state below is all true - unbelievably. The one thing I've learned is that being complimentary & balanced is a most excellent way to deliver the payload. Anyway, you be the judge:

Quote:So a quick note on the other side of things, I see Mr. Sherwood is copied here, I shall vent a bit, respectfully of course (to him), though I know he has quite a bit on the plate of greater import and urgency. I nonetheless will start by saying it is a pleasure and it's to you I direct these comments concerning the alarming state of your messageboard and the unfortunate lot some of your key people have expressed directly regarding how things are there. They all seem quite decent and enthusiastic (of course i think that Matt fellow is a cock, but maybe I just don't know him well enough and I'm sure with 17K post or whatever and as a Senoir Moderator he's probably been a great asset...or was at some point). Well anyway, I've been on .net for about 1 year or year & half or so. In the beginning I was a bit immature and basicaly a dick but I wised up, coexisted, for over 14 months now without incident. If you review my posts outside of dealing with that Matt "person" (and maybe I got a bit carried away in my Cust Service thread - though after 2-3 weeks of nothing, and that thread sitting there for almost another 5 days without an acknowledgement, one might be able to see how these things can drive a person mental - especially speaking with some people over there who have quite a shitty attitude, forgive my french, and seem to think "I know this sucks, I accept it, you better too or shut up"). So where was I, yes, my contributions to your board. Outside of that crap, look at my past posts. Far from a troll. And if you don't think there's some high quality shit happening there, then you're crazy and I don't want to come back - jk

Lastly I wanted to say .Net is a great board & fun (or was before I met Matt the cock) and .com is great too however there seems to be very clear probs in both internal and inter-board communication, morale, etc etc. and it's probably not something you don't already know so I'll shut up, but after going through everything I have, I needed to purge and call Matt a COCK at least 3 times. And also as you know probably quite well, as MMA starts the exponential climb in popularity & the flood waters really get deep, all these issues are gonna get much worse.

I'm done now. Thank you both for your assitance and listening to my shit. I look forward to learning what the next steps on my end should be in recovering my password to .Com.
just reset/refreshyour IP and BAM - no more ban.
Goatweed Wrote:just reset/refreshyour IP and BAM - no more ban.

Nah, that board is run by swine. I literally told that matt cunt what and how he should go about banning me. Gave him step by step procedure and he followed it exactly - told him troll me until I got annoyed and started hitting back hard, he did; told him to start building the proper pretext, well he built it alright built that one out of thin air in fact he did almost everything he said I did except that I got banned 14 months ago (actually banned like 6 times but I didn't mention). This guy banned me basically because I was posting with a style that he could not wrap his fucking peanut brain around. I say something so out of place to him, I MUST be a troll. Plus he has this "get dis fuckin guy" attitude", the kind like where the biggest dopiest nitwit in the crowd spots someone not especially huge physcially but speaking with air of confidence & intelligence and even throws in a dick joke. So when I see big glossy eyed fucks scoping me up and down trying to measure me, I like to get right up on dem, smash them with thier own empty beer glass right into their fuckin melons

However, the real reason they IP banned me i believ was two fold. First I think iwas because I created a new user name which was basically my real life name and I started another thread picking up on the one he locked and answered each of his claims one by one and debunct his lies. I basicallysaid that I just wanted to reply and now I'm gone go ahead and ban, delte or whatever. Where I'm going with that is I think much more of the IP ban had to do with my email which finally got an answer to. In the email, I outlined the situation, sequentially with thread quotes and links for examples. In this regard and to quickly summarize, there was a thread called something like "Have the mods ever had a flame war?" One of the mods said vaguely that he knew of two that did but not why. Then this imbecile Super Mod posts (and this after about 5-6 trolling posts after mine in various threads) that the actual two mods' were named this and that and that this had said something of that's mother who had cancer, making fun of it or something. So I saw this and I scooped it right up and made him look like an ass - basically told him not so kindly to watch what you do dummy not me, yeah this is great info to put out out there, nice judgement you slob, had to be there, I was in my glory. But anyway, unless Jeff Sherwood takes the time to review the situation objectively and asks me to post again I will never go back - basically I will never go back.
just tryin' to help ya, buddy!
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