Full Version: Potential New Blood & Homework Assignments
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Adrian Barbeau had a bush the size of a shrub. Mammoth mammaries, but cunthair that could rival Osama Bin Laden's muttonchops
As such one metaphorically needs to deal with to overcome my mental defenses in order to destroy this cherished delusion. Bring hedgeclippers and give yourself plenty of time.
I think about that board of Eurotrash and I pray for WW3. It just chaps my ass when cocksuckers that can barely call English their 2nd language open a board with English as the primary language and then IP ban me for no reason other then they can't understand English.

Carpet stealthbomb their fucking whole city those retarded pieces of shit.
well to be fair, you did say you weren't going back - so an IP ban really shouldn't bother you, or be noticed.
Yes true but let me be specific. I wasn't going back to post as that board is the haunt of many a Euroinsider, decent unique content, previews, etc. I even foreshadowed this issue a month or two before it happened and told the owner in private correspondences that I had no interest in harassing once I get banned (no doubt I would be eventually). Said please just reg ban and you won't know I exist, but I doubt he knows shite about it and cares much less.

I'll bet that one pig mod fed him a whole bunch of shit about me doing this or that but whatever as it's not too much of a big deal. I have since found resources that make that board look extrememly lame now in retrospect but it's the principle, GW. Let justice be done though the heavens fall.
I still say they don't understand you & they'll see the error of their ways. eventually.
It's a nice thought but doubtful. These guys hang with & fuck porn stars so if full school busses randomly & often burst into flames I'm sure they couldn't care less if they even notice at all. I admit I am envious though hateful in other respects outside of these associated jealousies of their lucky lot in life (as I explained previously). But as my life is somewhat tolerable - though still extremely pathetic and pitiable - I shall forget all this ugliness and spite and move on...but still pray for WW3.
So where's the new blood?
Hopefully spilled. Clinical or not......his fault or heridity's.... he was a fucking KOOK...big time....and we're better off w/o....and probably safer. This said AND coming from ME I think you can appreciate the surreal levels of kookitude that are in-play here....whether you think similarly of me, don't trust me, or whatever. So don't trust me....but trust me.

Edit: I regret though I didn't save his rambling & insane PM's (that I summarized somewhat in this thread). I didn't post originally & verbatum out of respect and not realizing I'd get shafted so abruptly there. But just as well I guess since the notion that I would save them & wish I did is completely insane.
i still say josh's avatar is a bird
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